Welcome to kb-python’s documentation!

This page contains DEVELOPER documentation for kb-python version 0.27.3. For user documentation and tutorials, please go to kallisto | bustools.

Development Prerequisites

There are a couple of things you must set up on your machine so that all of your commits satisfy code quality and unit-testing requirements. First, install all necessary packages by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Code qualty and unit tests are strictly enforced for every pull request via Github actions.

Code Quality

kb-python uses flake8 and yapf to ensure code quality. The easiest way to set these up so that they run automatically for every commit is to install pre-commit hooks by running:

pre-commit install

at the root of the repository.


kb-python uses nose to run unit tests. There is a convenient Makefile rule in place to run all tests.:

make test

Releasing New Versions

This section walks you through, step-by-step, how to release a new version.

  1. Make sure you are on the up-to-date master branch.

  2. Run make bump_patch, make bump_minor, or make bump_major depending on what version you will be bumping.

  3. Run make push_release. This will push the new commit and tag.

  4. Go to the releases tab on Github.

  5. Select the new release, edit the release description, and Publish release.

  6. A Github action will automatically trigger to upload the new release to PyPi.